Robbinsdale Area Schools

International Baccalaureate (IB)

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme is an academic program practiced around the world.  IB began in Europe in 1968 to meet the academic needs of children in international communities.  It blends the best educational practices of all countries.

International Baccalaureate emphasizes:

  • Rigorous study in all academic areas
  • Responsible citizenship
  • Critical and compassionate thinking and inquiry skills
  • Lifelong learning
  • Worldwide assessment system that ranks students on an international basis
  • An international outlook and respect for other perspectives


The IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) is offered exclusively at Lakeview Elementary. Our students explore the commonalities of human experience and to learn the about global significance of our actions. All of Lakeview's units of inquiry fall into the transdisciplinary themes. Each grade has 6 units of inquiry, one under each theme. Each year students explore a different portion of the transdisciplinary ​theme. The 36 units collectively constitute our Program of Inquiry. 

Teachers and staff commit to concept-driven instruction to:

  • support inquiry
  • use prior knowledge to promote real understanding
  • teach depth of understanding, not quantity
  • construct meaning through critical thinking
  • provide transdisciplinary units where students acquire essential knowledge, skills and attitudes

PYP Action Cycle: Reflect - Choose Act

With successful inquiry, the Primary Years Program should lead to responsible action initiated by the students as a result of the learning process. Effective action is often are at the basic level: with the self: within the family; and within the school community. Examples may be educating and informing others, doing something to prevent a real life problem or making a change in our own behavior. As a whole, we want our students to care for themselves, their community and realize they can make a difference in our world.